We hope that the methods above will be helpful for your reading process. Of course, there are many ways to take notes while reading, so if you would like to share any other effective methods, please leave a message in the com...
根据下文“Your notes may take on the form of a chart. You might draw yourself a timeline of events so that you can see the order that things happened and not just a list of events. The notes are your study aid, so it’s best to write them in a way that makes sense to you.(你...
Third, note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest. You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report. 2.___ whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind that note-taking is a ...
D.Before you begin reading or taking notes, preview the chapter. E.You should write your notes in your own words. F.It’s also a good idea to separate your notes in different folders (文件夹) for each class, so they don’t get mixed up. ...
How to Take Good Textbook NotesMiranda Brumbaugh
While reading your text and taking notes, you need to place yourself ina good study environment. The best study environment is whatever works well for you. Some people study best when surrounded by others and background noise. Others focus better when in complete silence. Take...
Take notes while reading articles Reading notebooks can be categorized according to different content, such as: progress, research methods, experimental methods, research results, etc., and can add their own annotations. For the notes to summarize (summing up the past has done what, be aware of...
2. Take Notes in the Margins You can use the margins of your book to write questions or enter brief notes about the passages you’re reading. If you need to return the book at some point, you might want to consider using a pencil so you can erase your markings later, if necessary. ...
Learn how to take effective notes that help you retain information and keep relevant details top of mind.
Make some questions you want to ask before you start reading a text. Once you’ve previewed the text, make a list of questions you want to find answers to as you read. How do you do this? Easy. While you’re previewing the text, turn each heading into a question. ...