Celtic sea salt or Himalayan salt have tremendous healing virtues that have theexact oppositeeffects of refined salt. It helps to balance out and nourish our body with minerals that our body lacks. It is particularly helpful in helping with mucus elimination. Here are some conditions that pure s...
Foods placed on a Himalayan crystal salt slab take on a light, clean, naturally salty flavor while absorbing minerals necessary for good health and longevity. When placed on the Himalayan salt block for an extended period of time, thinly sliced fish such as salmon, tuna and whitefish will begi...
Proper sleep health has always been important to me as it has such a huge effect on every aspect of my life— but this was the year I really pushed hard to be in bed on time instead of always doing “one more thing”. Ironically, it was also the year we had our first baby (the ...
What is sole and how can it improve your health? Read on to find out. What Exactly Is Sole? Sole is a health concoction made up of just two very simple ingredients, Himalayan pink salt (here’s a great brand), and water. The salt is added to the water until absolutely no more salt...
Himalayan Pink SaltorSea Salt Hot Sauce (Organic) Liquid Aminos Matcha Green Tea (Organic) Monk Fruit Powder Nut Butters (Organic, Unsweetened) Nutritional Yeast (Organic) Nuts & Seeds (Organic, Raw) Oatmeal (Organic) Olive Oil (Extra Virgin) ...
I’ve made a quart jar of sauerkraut a couple of years ago. I just didn’t let it sit long enough, but it was good and crunchy. My question to you is can Himalayan salt be used in place of the sea salt? Reply Barbara Bianchisays ...
+Himalayan Rock Salt +Bragg’s Liquid Aminos Sweeteners Healing foods to be eaten in moderation! Try to eliminate sugar if possible. +Honey (for Stables/Kapha) +Raw sugar (for Sensitives/Vata) +Molasses (for Passionates/Pitta) +Brown sugar (for Passionates/Pitta) ...
Here are some things to consider before adding Himalayan salt or sea salt to your drinking water before bed: Hydration: Adding a pinch of salt to water can help your body retain fluids and maintain better hydration, especially if you're feeling dehydrated. Electrolyte balance: The small amount...
Trace Minerals: Because of poor quality of soil, we are also lacking in the trace minerals. I recommend “pink” Himalayan salt from the mountains in Pakistan. This wonderful robust tasting salt is packed full of 82 trace minerals that are difficult to get in other ways. I use this salt ...
Himalayan or Celtic sea salt Powdered activated charcoal Ginger Cucumber Lemon juice A juicing machine (or a blender and muslin cloth) Method Take half a tablespoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of powdered activated charcoal, approximately 100ml of mixed ginger and cucumber juice, and the juice of 1 wh...