Creatine monohydratewas the first type of creatine on the market and it is the type of that the majority of research has focused on. It is simply creatine bound with water. As was inevitable due to its popularity, supplement companies have initiated a race to improve on it. Today, the mar...
We tested different detox methods to see how fast they removed THC from the body. Detox drinks eliminate THC within 24 hours. While Detox pills typically require a few days to a week to work effectively. Natural detox methods can take longer, ranging from a few days to several weeks or mo...
While training and nutrition are critical,natural muscle-building supplementscan help speed up your progress. Look for options that include ingredients like creatine, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), and whey protein, which have been shown to support muscle growth, recovery, and performance. Thes...
Volume Pills Summary: What are the Steps to Increase Sperm Production? If you suffer from issues with yoursperm production, sperm quality, or volume of your seminal liquid, the best task you can deal with is to take care of your general health. However, there are certain tips that can hel...
Athletes, fitness enthusiasts, or anyone training for a high-intensity race or sport may also be interested in the energy and performance boost from creatine, she says. No matter if you take creatine supplements or not, you’ll want to aim for a moderate-carb, low-protein snack ahead of ...
Because of the increased amounts of saturated fats and cholesterol I was consuming, I wanted to make sure I had enough of the “good” fats to clear the gunk out of my blood. Whey Protein + Creatine shake. Before my weightlifting workouts I’d mix a scoop of whey protein (I use Jay...
One way to do this is to take the creatine 45 minutes before workout, the N.O. booster 30 minutes out, and the stimulant fifteen minutes out. A complete idiot like myself will probably wash down the stimulant with a cup of coffee. ...
Once you’re big, you can just spend a few weeks dieting that off anyway to achieve jacked status. 3. Rest like you mean it When you’re out of the gym, take it easy. Don’t go shoot hoops for two hours with your boys every off day. That’s not an off day no matter how laz...
Athletes are known to take L-arginine for these main reasons: enhanced secretion of HGH and its involvement in creatine and nitric oxide synthesis. A study in 2007 proved that after eight weeks of oral L-arginine doses, male athletes on weight training programs had a significant increase in ...
I’ve always been a 100% natural kind of athlete. I don’t care for any of that creatine or pills and bottles junk from vitamin stores. As I got older, I do vitamins and green powder and that’s it. Go for what makes you feel good and gives you energy. Do not go for crap tha...