课本原文课文译文How to take care of your eyes如何爱护你们的眼睛A You are going to listen to an eye doctors lecture on你们将去听一位眼科医生作关于如何how to take care of your eyes. Complete the notes爱护你们眼睛的讲座。完成下面的笔below. Write one word in each blank.记。在每个空白处写上...
How To Take Care of your Eyes A lot of people don't think about protecting their eyes before something goes wrong. There's a lot we can do to keep our eyes healthy. Here are some of our tips.We are always told we should be getting 5 different kinds of fruit or vegetables a day....
Our eyes are precious sensory organs, and it is crucial to take care of their health. In this essay, I will share some methods on how to properly care for your eyes.Body:1. Maintain Good Eye Habits:- Avoid prolonged screen time and take regular breaks from computer, phone, ...
To protect our eyes,what shouldn't or should we do?According to a research,eating more fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C can help us protect our eyes.Seldom watching TV or playing computer can also help us get away with the damage to our eyes.Meanwhile,we should wa...
Most people are born with the potential for good eyes and sight. Vision, however, is learned. And the way you use and care for your visual system directly affects your enjoyment of play, school or work.
A lot of people don't think about protecting their eyes before something goes wrong. There's a lot we can do to keep our eyes healthy. Here are some of our tips.We've always been told we should be getting 5 different kinds of fruit or vegetables a day. However, a study shows it ...
(5)题详解: 根据“A lot of people will say they don’t have the time to get their eyes checked...Regular sight tests are important and will help you be out of trouble before it can get worse.”可知,此处说的是定期做视力测试,选项E“定期检查眼睛”符合,故选E。反馈...
Oureyesightisoneofthemostvaluablethings.Whatshouldwedotoprotectoureyes?Listening解题策略 听前:审清题意,预测内容。听中:捕捉信息,快速笔记。速记:用符号、首字母或图形记录句子谓语(动词和形容词)、选项、句式 听后:1.根据人称和时态改正语法错误。2.检查是否漏要点 Listening Howtotakecareofyoureyes AYou...
视力不好___直视强光___二、课内交流探究Pre-listeningLook at pictures and answer the questions.While-listeninglisten to an eye doctor’s lecture on how to take care of your eyes and finish partA&B.Post- liste
Given the important function our eyes perform for us, it would seem to follow that we'd give them the best care possible, but sometimes we get too busy or we forget to do a few simple things that can keep our eyes healthy. Well, in this article, we will give you all the eye care...