Peden investigates the health effects of ozone at theEnvironmental Protection AgencyHuman Studies Facility located on the UNC-CH campus. His team uses controlled chambers to expose volunteers to varying levels ofair pollutants. That research has shown that exposure to ozone inflames the lungs, which ...
You couldn't breathe without your lungs and you do it without even thinking about it. So, how do your lungs manage this amazing feat?
Turns out, your lungs evolved to sit atop of all the other organs for a reason. Delicate organs that they are, it doesn't take them long to get squished by the bigger, heavier organs like the liver and intestines that usually sit below them. This isn't as much of a problem when yo...
EPO protects red blood cells during infancy, and, in turn, stimulates the stem cells in bone marrow to increase the production of additional red blood cells. Because red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body, it...
it’s still easy to take your lungs for granted. But the truth is, like the rest of your body, your lungs need daily care to stay in top shape. The good news is, there are several natural things you can do each day to help reduce your risk of lung disease and infection and ease...
How to Take Care of Yourself Caregiving is physically and emotionally draining. So to be an effective caregiver, you need to protect your own well-being. Take some time off every day to do something you enjoy. Stay connected with your friends. Get some physical activity, and/or relax with...
We get it: You’re not planning to run a marathon (or a presidential campaign), scale Mount Everest, or take up the bagpipes anytime soon. But that doesn’t mean your lungs don’t deserve tender loving care. “Healthy lungsare not only essential for the vital functions of your body, ...
For example, only one cigarette is enough to make blood vessels become narrower and speed up your heartbeat. It will quickly make slow the flow of blood and air into and out of your lungs. The chances of early deaths from lung cancer are about ten times greater for smokers than for non...
How to keep healthy, then? First, enough time should be set aside for persevering in exercises in addition to sleep and rest. Second you must give up the habits that damage your health, such as smoking and drinking too much alcohol. Finally, be sure to have your physical check-up regular...
There are many steps you can take to lower your risk of lung cancer. If you have concerns about your personal risk or need assistance with smoking cessation, speak with your doctor. That conversation could be a lifesaver.