Plantar warts usually grow into the skin, not outward like common warts. This growing into the skin makes plantar warts more difficult to treat. Flat warts (verrucae plana): Flat warts are most commonly seen on the face and the back of the hands. They usually appear as small individual ...
It’s mandatory to remove your shoes while going through security at US airports, so be sure to wear socks or put on the airport provided booties while walking through the metal detectors. This will keep you from contracting athlete’s foot, plantar warts and other communicable foo...
These small growths of hardened skin are caused by a virus. They can be painful, especially when they develop on the bottom of your feet. Those are called plantar warts. The most common way to catch them is by walking on a dirty, wet surface without shoes. If the virus touches your ...
How to Care for Your Feet By: Michael King Take care of your feet to avoid aches and pains that may translate into chronic problems. See more personal hygiene pictures DreamPictures/VStock You may not think about your feet that often -- way down there at the ends of your leg...
Related HowStuffWorks Articles How Skin Moles Work Are new moles always a sign of cancer? How to Improve Skin Texture How Flat Warts Work How Plantar Warts Work Loading...
Conditions that make walking painful– Rheumatoid arthritis, gout, diabetes and plantar warts can affect the joints, nerves and soles of our feet, making our normal way of walking (our “gait”) painful. As we adjust our gait to avoid pain, this can put more pressure on the metatarsals. ...
Forefoot pain that can be addressed with met pads is primarily caused by, metatarsalgia, bursitis of the feet, rheumatoid arthritis, neuromas and plantar warts. The best metatarsal pads are ones that attach to your insole, rather than your foot, and are easily adjustable. You may need to adj...
Did you know you can treat acne with banana peels? Just rub the peel on your skin to get rid of acne, old scars, and even fine lines and wrinkles!
An apophysitis is inflammation of the growth plate in the heel seen in children. Learn about its occurrence and how to treat the condition
Even if you take great care of your yoga mat, it won’t last forever. At a certain point, you’ll need to invest in a new mat. Depending on the materials and construction of your mat, the time frame can vary.Here are some signsit may be time to replace your old mat. ...