What is a vitamin, and why do we need to take them every day? How do poisons work? What does it mean to be alive, at least at the cellular level? All of these questions have obvious answers once you understand how cells work -- so let's get started!
The purpose of an enzyme in a cell is to allow the cell to carry out chemical reactions very quickly. These reactions allow the cell to build things or take things apart as needed. This is how a cell grows and reproduces. At the most basic level, a cell is really a little bag full...
Caustics are difficult to compute. Light sampling takes care of “fireflies” with direct light sources, but random rays could still leave a firefly effect. So while the light-sampling method takes care of the fireflies left by the direct light sources, we still get a lot of fireflies from ...
He might even put his hands on his hips to appear bigger to become the "alpha male" among his group of friends. He will use his temporary physique to alert the woman he's flirting with that he's the leader of the pack. And of course, women aren't the only ones who care about ...
watching the sun come up I can attack the day with the will to burn --- ◆Fireflies Take Flight Oh beware of bleeding lung and bugs that eat their young the demons in your head the wolves under your bed the bones of dinosaurs hidden below the floors they rattle and they shake and mak...
Caustics are difficult to compute. Light sampling takes care of “fireflies” with direct light sources, but random rays could still leave a firefly effect. So while the light-sampling method takes care of the fireflies left by the direct light sources, we still get a lot of fireflies from ...
When these reactions occur in living organisms such as bacteria, fireflies, squid and deep-sea fishes, the process is known as bioluminescence. At least two chemicals are required to make light. Chemists use the generic term luciferin to describe the one producing the light. They use the term...
Fireflies or lightning bugs make light within their bodies. This process is called bioluminescence and is shared by many other organisms, mostly sea-living or marine organisms. Fireflies light up to attract a mate. To do this, the fireflies contain specialized cells in their abdomen that make ...
This is a trick similar to the one used by creatures like fireflies and glow-worms, whose bodies contain chemicals that make "cool light" without any heat. The general name for light made this way is luminescence. You've probably had long, fluorescent strip lamps in your home or office ...
Why Do Fireflies Glow? Learn About Lightning Bugs Mosquito Repellents and Bite Remedies Beneficial Insects in the Garden With keen eyesight and expert airmanship, dragonflies and damselflies easily outmaneuver and catch insect prey. Their four gossamer wings move independently, allowing them to fly forw...