The azalea plant is part of the genus Rhododendron and has varieties that are evergreen and deciduous. Azaleas are hardy to plant in Georgia as it is part of the USDA growing zones 6 through 8. The plant will bloom in the months of April and May and some varieties will have an additio...
Azaleas Typically found growing outdoors, Azaleas are also available in varieties suited for indoor growth. These plants bear delicate and pretty flowers, predominantly in shades of pink or purple, each with a delicate white border that enhances their beauty. When grown as houseplants, Azaleas can...
Before you can teach your cat to walk on a leash, you need to buy theleash. Rather than attaching it to a collar, you will need to buy aharness. This is because cats can get out of collars, and they can cause damage to a cat's neck if you pull on them. A harness, which goes...
You don’t have to live in Hawaii to grow plumerias, but if you plan to grow a tropical plant like plumeria in Texas, you need to opt for container growing. That’s because plumerias (Plumeria spp.) can be grown outdoors only in USDA hardiness zones 10 to 12, which even South...
Pine straw tends to acidify the soil as it breaks down, so it's good to use around azaleas and other acid-loving plants. Straw and sawdust mulches use nitrogen as they decompose, so you may need to add some nitrogen fertilizer if you use them. Replay Video We're sorry, there seems...
Related To: How ToPlantsWeedsGardening You've probably heard the saying that weeds are simply plants that grow where they're not wanted. Maybe somebody — somewhere — tolerates weeds, but most of us see weeding as necessary. We want to rip weeds out of our lawns and gardens and toss t...
Watering too much or too little can be a problem for ardisia. When too little, the leaves start to crisp up and turn brown at the tips. Too much, and you risk root rot! The best solution is to keep your soil evenly moist at all times. If it’s planted outdoors, using mulch to ...
How to grow Rose of Sharon flower bushes. Growing Rose of Sharon flowering bush plants in your yard. Growing better with The Gardener's Network.
There are many ways to make money with an orchard, but no matter what, your business will revolve around specific food products. Let’s use apples as an example. Depending on the climate in your area and your local market, there are dozens of varieties you can choose from. Once you choo...
In commercial accounts, they were rotated out on a monthly basis so the exposure wasn’t as big a deal. Mine that grew outdoors were in partial shade and out of direct sunlight. Guzmanias with their colorful bracts. The tiny white flowers are starting to appear deep within the stem. ...