numbness or tingling in your fingers, toes, or around your mouth Serious allergic reactions have happened in people who take Prolia®. Call your doctor or go to your nearest emergency room right away if you have any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, including low blood pressure (hypote...
Arrange follow-up with an appropriate dentist in 1 to 2 days. Advise the patient that intermittent light bleeding or oozing is common for several days and can be treated by biting on a gauze pad as described above. Warnings and Common Errors ...
So wait until the numbness is gone before you chew anything. Swallowing liquids or liquid foods like soup are preferable to eating hard foods that need to be chewed. Irene Sekunda Dentist Toronto, Ontario Right away if it is polymer filling. Dr. Jennifer Rankin Dentist Aurora, Colorado ...
finally, it starts to sink away from you. Confused and embarrassed, you retreat to yourcarand go home where you know it's safe. You'll never return to that park again, you think. And then a more fearful thought pops into your head: "What if this happens again -- somewhere else?
Visit your dentist.Chemotherapy lowers your immunity, making you more vulnerable to infection. It’s important to check for any existing tooth infections and treat them before chemotherapy begins. Make plans for work and home life.Talk to your boss, coworkers, family, and friends about arrangement...
you at risk for falls. It can damage nerves in your feet, a condition calledperipheral neuropathy. It can cause pain, tingling, sensitivity, “pins and needles,” or numbness in your feet. This can make it hard to sense where your feet are, which can cause you to easily trip or fall...
Numbness and weakness Pain that feels different than previous headaches Pain that prevents you from eating or drinking Slurred speech Stiff neck Sudden severe pain Vomiting Prevention It's not entirely possible to prevent headaches, but there are some things you can do to reduce your risk. Here ...
Even when indicated, emergency tooth extraction is typically done by a dentist except when a dental professional is not available (eg, in remote areas or some emergency situations). Indications Significant infection in a nonviable, nonsalvageable tooth Marked tooth mo...