A huge part of the job is done by Roboze: with the printing parameters provided, one can print almost any shape. For some very customized demands, the operator will need to furtherpersonalize the 3D printing profile to comply with specific needs. TheRoboze teamwork...
The first key to success is making sure you have the right tools. That means having the right 3D printer and accessories. With polypropylene, only a couple of upgrades are recommended if they do not already come stock with your machine. FDM printers that have the electrical hardware to print...
That’s why, if you’re looking to take sharper photos, you should brush up on your handholding technique. Grip your camera in one hand and cup a second hand under the lens. Keep the camera close to your body, keep your elbows tight, and – when possible – support yourself with a ...
We see things because our eyes absorb light reflected off of the items. Our brains interpret the light and create a picture in our minds. When an object is far away, the light traveling to one eye is parallel with the light traveling to the other eye. But as an object gets closer, ...
Brandt Ranj
Glass- If you want a glossy smooth bottom to your 3D prints, this is the way to go. Often you don't even need adhesive to get PLA to adhere to bare glass but a little bit of adhesive solution can help lock the print down.
Atouchscreentypically consists of multiple layers, including a glass or plastic panel with a transparent conductive layer on top. When you touch the screen, it detects the electrical charge at that specific location and sends the corresponding signal to the device’s controller, which then translate...
For these reasons, you'll need to turn the heating and cooling system off and wait for a few minutes after setting up your equipment to make the hologram. These precautions sound a little like photography advice taken to the extreme — when you take pictures with a camera, you have to ...
One of the common issues 3D printer users face is 3D prints not sticking to the bed properly, which ruins the first layer. If the first layer has issues, it means the whole print won’t be successful, as it serves as the foundation of the entire object and determines how subsequent laye...
Justifying the purchase of a 3D printer isn’t hard. Not only are entry-level printers fairly cheap now, but while there’s a lot to learn, it’s also just plain fun to take a 3D model you can see on a computer screen and turn it into something you can hold in your hands. 3D ...