Deciding who your fashion business is suited to and building your identity around this, will tailor your clothing company to the target market and speak to the right people looking to buy into your style and brand culture. The main areas to consider in a business plan are: Start-up costs...
REAL MEN REAL STYLE VIDEOS You get the idea. Without first creating a solid foundation of basic menswear pieces, the rest of your wardrobe will crumble. After all, you might own a top-tier dress shirt, but without pants to go with it, you're just a guy standing half naked in a shirt...
The contents of your jacket need to be able to provide the necessities of survivaluntil you can reach a bug out location, cache, or your bug out bag. With the equipment in your bug out jacket, you should be able to build a shelter, make a fire, get water, and assist in other survi...
7.1. Men’s Attire in the TJ The findings of this study reveal that TJ sojourns are an essential vehicle in creating a distinctive subculture of rituals, discourses and consumption behaviour. I adaptSchouten and McAlexander’s (1995, p. 43) explanation to describe a subculture as an identifia...