How does the optometry profession move up a gear to tackle the problem of climate change?doi:10.1111/opo.12920Tim MorganHealth Education and Innovation Wales Cardiff UKBarbara RyanCardiff School of Optometry and Vision Sciences Cardiff UKJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdOphthalmic and Physiological Optics...
Dr. Fang Liangzhou, Vice President and CMO of Huawei Digital Power, spoke at COP26 today. At the session "System Change and Climate Innovation in the Technology Industry" hosted by the UNFCCC Global Innovation Hub, Fang virtually delivered a keynote addr
Changing one’s behaviour to help mitigate the effects of climate change is more fundamental than ever. There are multiple options, but perhaps the most pragmatic and realistic to prioritise are food consumption, transport and clothing. Through small changes, all individuals can contribute to saving ...
no matter your area of interest. But it’s a topic that increasingly leaves our audiences feeling hopeless and disengaged. How can we cover the climate crisis in a way that informs about the problem, while providing hope and room for action?
We know that there are ways of doing this that are both practical and affordable. It is politics that is the problem. Stringent climate policies may lead companies to redirect investment elsewhere, or lead voters to retaliate at the ballot box. There are many political obstacles to stronger ...
are likely consumed with survival — evacuating, cleaning out debris, rebuilding. On the other side of immediate safety concerns, however, is often a new resolve to combat the common factor in these disasters: Climate change. But the size of the problem can make meaningful action seem impossible...
solve this problem is to dose a small amount of polymer in the influent to the secondary settling tanks. Adding the polymer allows the surface load on the secondary sedimentation to be increased. Both anionic and cationic polyacrylamides are options; the charge depends on the sludge ...
want to make a simulation of nature, you’d better make it quantum mechanical”. In the context of climate change, the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and its reversal through new clean fuels and energy storage, are functions of nature and must be seen at the quantum level...
Whatever issue you face, we have your solution. We get to the heart of every problem—digging deep to understand its intricacies and nuances, so we can help you achieve your goals, together. Geostructural Engineering Our geostructural engineers have the insight and expertise to ensure the succes...
Backers of heat pumps say installation costs, which can be around £10,000 at the moment, will fall as the industry scales up, and they will help tackle climate change and air pollution, require less maintenance, use less energy and create jobs. ...