This is why FF14 will be my final MMO. I pounded through Realm Reborn en route to Heavensward (where a lot of ppl say the true game begins). But now there’s another mountain of quests I have to climb before I get there. It’s overwhelming at my age. Good game, but the nature ...
There are many different- and entirely preventable- ways to die in ‘Don’t Starve,’ but today we’re going to talk about the titular mode of death: starving. In order to prevent death by starvation, you’re going to want to forage and fight for the best foods, and in this guide ...
FF14 Best Grand Company - Which To Join? In Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, you'll be prompted to choose many things in your playthroughs. You'll be offered to choose between your character's race, class, and starting point in the game. Once you reach Level 20, you'll soon find...
Killing the two-head brute in The Callisto Protocol during the platform ride to Arcas isn’t easy, especially after the onslaught of enemies that came before
but should the worst happen and a stray bullet takes you out, you’ll switch to the POV of a different member of your division. Surely, a welcome solution to those of us who’ve spent far too many hours face down in the mud, waiting to be revived by a teammate with different priorit...