Golfers prone to hooks (shots that start right and finish left) tend to have too much hand action and not enough body movement in their golf swings. This drill can help you correct the problem if you tend to hook the ball. Adopt your regular stance. Position your legs, shoulders, feet,...
which leads to the club swinging above the golf ball. Whereas a great golf posture tilts your upper body towards the ground, meaning when you swing in a circle around your body, you’ll find it much easier to return the club to the centre of the ball. ...
Learn how to swing a golf club by taking a frame-by-frame look at the basic golf swing & the basic positions you need to know
Learn how to rotate properly in the golf swing with 5 Minutes to Master Rotation! Master golf rotation with this follow along golf instruction video series that walks you through correct golf swing rotation step by step! Learning how to rotate properly w
Understanding the proper golf swing is essential to playing well and scoring low. But before any tweaking can be done for improvement, the basics must be mastered, from how the player addresses the ball to how the player follows through on the swing. Each step is important to get that smoot...
"Hold two light dumbbells and set up in your golf posture. Mimic your golf swing, but stop at the top for a moment, and then initiate your downing with your lower body. When your arms swing down, let go of the dumbbells for a spl...
I like to check myself in thegolf swing training mirrorfirst to make sure that I'm doing it correctly. Yeah, looks good. All I need to do is put a club against my chest and belt buckle, just like I talked about in the axis tilt video, and slide my hip to the left until the ...
However, once you have established aproper golf swing, you are able to use that swing and rhythm throughout your entire golf game, from your driver to your sand wedge. You have noticed that professionals golfers always employ similargolf swing mechanicson each shot. However, when we watch ama...
Tempo can be defined as the elapsed time of your golf swing from the moment you begin your takeaway to the completion of your follow-through.
The article offers tips on how to have a confident and easy golf swing among golfers in the U.S. It suggests golfers to consider the basics including the correct spine tilt, ball position and perfect balance to avoid poor drive...