Using Ethers.js to Swap Tokens Keep in mind, if the token you want to swap has no liquidity, a pair with liquidity must be created before you can swap. Time to get our swap on! We will be swapping ETH for DAI in our code example. Let us start by initiating our project. Open...
0.002 TOKEN to ETH (0.002 SwapToken to Ethereum) Exchange Calculator Amount Currency from ×SwapToken Currency To ×Ethereum Convert How much is 0.002 SwapToken in Ethereum? 0.002 SwapToken is 49.828166 Ethereum. So, you've converted 0.002 SwapToken to 49.828166 Ethereum. We used ...
0.03 TOKEN to ETH (0.03 SwapToken to Ethereum) Exchange Calculator Amount Currency from ×SwapToken Currency To ×Ethereum Convert How much is 0.03 SwapToken in Ethereum? 0.03 SwapToken is 0.357739 Ethereum. So, you've converted 0.03 SwapToken to 0.357739 Ethereum. We used 0.083860 ...
The ‘swapExactETHForTokens’ function is also useful for swapping token on Uniswap with code. It is applicable in use cases where you have to swap the exact number of ETH tokens as the number of output tokens along the route defined by the path. In addition, the function also wraps ETH...
In the“Asset” section, choose the token you want to bridge and enter the amount you’d like to transfer in the“Amount” field. In the image above, for example, we bridge ETH to Base, 0.01 ETH more precisely. When ready, click“Deposit”and confirm the transaction in your connected ...
Learn everything you need to know about Bitcoin in just 7 days. Daily videos sent straight to your inbox. Your name Your email This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the GooglePrivacy PolicyandTerms of Service We hate spam as much as you do. You can unsubscribe with one click....
Liquidity pools provide liquidity to a basket of XRP and other cryptocurrencies, allowing traders to swap between those currencies. In return for providing liquidity, you earn rewards in the form of interest payments and trading fees. However, liquidity pool rewards can be volatile, and you may ...
Ethereum'sether (ETH) token is used as a payment system on its blockchain. This makes ETH a perfect example of a use case that might incentivize someone to buy ETH. Ethereum is designed for scalability and future development, making it an ideal ecosystem on which to build DeFi applications...
Watch Gas Price Before You Send Steem to Swap ETH 118 words Last Post:How to Get the Gas Price and Gas Fee on Ethereum Blockchain? Next Post:How to Check if a Given String is a Valid Ethereum Wallet Address? The Permanent URL is:How to Get the Latest Block Number (Head Block) on...
How to make money on NFT games Many NFT games have their native currencies available on cryptocurrency exchanges enabling players to swap their tokens for other crypto or cash them out into fiat currency. The inherent value of in-game NFTs is one primary reason why play-to-earn games have be...