Survive in the wilderness, protect yourself from animal attacks, and ride out natural disasters. What Readers Are Saying “I liked how this informed me what I'm able to do in case there's an accident, with no professional help nearby. That was a life saver.” ...
Are you ready for a cannabis harvest in your house, like Larry here? Growing Cannabis Basics Cannabis plants are weeds with simple needs. Your cannabis plants will grow as long as you give them the right amount of the following resources.. In order to thrive and grow, your weed needs… ...
6. Fire-Building in a Frozen World Finding dry tinder in the snow might seem impossible, but knowing a few tricks can increase your chances of success. Use Natural Windbreaks: Look for rocks or trees to shield your fire from icy gusts. ...
yet is often overlooked. The rule of threes states you can survive 3 minutes without air, 3 hours without shelter, 3 days without water and 3 weeks without food. Getting lost on a day hike can easily cost you a few hours — are you prepared to spend the night in the wilderness?
How to Become a Doomsday Prepper Chemtrails vs. Contrails The Many Names of the End of the World Survival Caches and Resource Dispersal Emergency Cash Stash for EDC and Preparedness Finding Food in a Desert: Hunt, Forage, and Survive Con Artists and Scams When SHTF 6 Uses for a Wire Coat...
If you know how to use one, pack asurvival knife. But even a smallcredit card knifecan be helpful in a pinch. Knives have been one of man’s most important survival tools. And that remains the same today –don’t get caught unawares without one. ...
The pokes and prods from outside of us only reveal what is in us. Jesus said it this way: But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man (Matt. 15.18). And that tendency to shift the blame ends up hurting us and our walks with God ...
Being able to start a fire, build a shelter, and craft survival weapons from raw materials is powerful.The ability to survive with scavenged materials is called Bushcraft.And Bushcraft is what wilderness survival is all about.These skills are useful for:...
Cut a section to go in the bottom of a box, place your delicates on it, then layer another section of foam over them. Repeat until the box is full—and now your fragile treasures will survive just about anything short of a tornado or earthquake—even the United States Postal Service. ...