Toxic intestinal cells can result in poor absorption of nutrients, a leaky gut wall, or sluggish bowel movements and food allergies. Since over 70% of our immune system is in the lining of the small intestine (called the GALT, Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue), our overall immunity may be com...
The chances are that this isn’t your first toxic relationship. You may have had a narcissistic parent that wanted you to be completely dependent on them while simultaneously pushing you away. You may have tried to please your toxic parent to no avail. You may have developed anxious or a...
Leaving a toxic relationship, whether with a partner, friend, or family member, is one of the most challenging things a person can do. However, it is also one of the best things you can do for your emotional and mental health and overall well-being. It can be challenging to know when...
How to Survive an EMP When the lights go out forever, have a plan. The U.S. has a plan, but it's too little, too late. We must harden our infrastructure to withstand electromagnetic threats," says the U.S. News and World Report. Indeedthe EMP threat isrealand growing. When the gr...
It is common to think you have to deal with someone, when you actually do not. It is also common to believe you can get a toxic person to change while interacting with them. My experience is that unless you are a professional, you will not get them to change and trying it simply is...
Paint a drawing of what you believe your alternate family could have looked like. Create an entirely different family from the one that chose you, create a story about your life with them and compare it to the one you have now. There were no mistakes made. You are alive intentionally and...
As you learn how to survive a tsunami, remember the first wave in a series of waves is the smallest and weakest.5If you’re in a boat at the beach, head out into the ocean. You’ll stand a better chance away of survival away from the shoreline. ...
On the one hand, it is clear that they are populated by a lot of lonely and angry men, with serious problems. On the other hand, their attitude is clearly toxic, sexist, and often downright misogynist. These are the same kind of people who tend to be influenced by the likes of ...
It’s okay to let go of a toxic parent. This is such a difficult decision, but it could be one of the most important. We humans are wired to connect, even with people who don’t deserve to be connected to us. Sometimes though, the only way to stop the disease spreading is to amp...
There may be relationships that need to be addressed, either through having conversations with estranged family or friends, or deciding that some relationships were toxic, so we can let go of ourguiltoranger. You could start by talking to siblings, parents, friends, or others wh...