(That and if any cougar gets too frisky around here, the SSS rule comes into play.) Imaginos1892 says: January 13, 2024 at 1:00 am On a lot of that high, dry land it’s acres per cow, not cows per acre. As for the coyotes and cougars, cows are big and heavy and they kick...
theexception.Mycougar,mytiger,myserval,mymonkey isdifferent.Itlovesmeanditwouldneverhurtme.This istrueuntilthedayitisn’t.Thereisnoescapingthefactthat theseanimalsarecapableoflethalbehaviors.Hundredsof wild“pets”attacktheirownerseveryyear.Well-publicized ...
Then maybe consider getting some wolf or cougar urine to put on different places around the yard to discourage them from getting any closer. Stop with the shots in the air too. I don't want to say this, but if all else fails it may be time to stop deliberately missing those coyotes ...