The zombie infection has turned into a worldwide pandemic. You find yourself in Louisiana and your survival chance starts by building a safe camp and becoming a skilled survivalist. Find water, food and shelter and talk to the unconventional locals to m
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How To Survive er nu sjovere og sværere end nogensinde. Overlev på en zombieinficeret øgruppe, opfyld dine basale behov for mad, vand og husly, mens du kæmper mod naturlige og unaturlige trusler. - En excentrisk overlevelsesguide vil lære dig at bygge våben og red...
How to Survive now is more fun and tougher than ever. Survive on a zombie infested archipelago, fulfill your basic needs of food, water and shelter while facing natural and unnatural threats. - An eccentric survival guide will teach you to craft dozens of weapons and tools: from fishing ...
名称:How To Survive: Third Person Standalone 类型:动作,冒险,角色扮演 开发商:Eko Software 发行商:505 Games 发行日期:2015 年 7 月 2 日 查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论查找社区组 嵌入 不支持简体中文 本产品尚未对您目前所在的地区语言提供支持。在购买请先行确认目前所支持的语言。
In How to Survive collect the pages of a Survival Guide and figure it out, of course! Find food, water, and shelter before you perish. £8.77 £10.99 -20% Add to cart Activates inUnited Kingdom Payments: Special Offers 5 %
Keep your shield up when entering unknown areas to avoid surprise attacks. Some shields are great against physical damage, others against fire or magic – this can be decisive when taking on larger enemies. Stamina Stamina management is an important aspect of combat in Elden Ring. Measured b...
How will you survive?Collect the pages of a Survival Guide and figure it out, of course! Find food, water, and shelter before you perish. Uh oh, is it getting dark? Figure out how to get through the night! While you’re at it, gather up some of this awesome stuff and piece ...
游戏名称:生存指南 英文名称:How to Survive 游戏语言:欧洲语言 开发厂商:EKO Software 发行厂商:505...
Once you have a fully-equipped unit of Spear Militia, you have everything you need to survive the first two years ofManor Lords. Check outour Manor Lords beginner’s guidefor tips on what to do next. Manor Lordsis available now on the Epic Games Store....