Comprehensive research on grief shows that following the loss of your loved one, your brain becomes overburdened with thoughts of grief, sadness, loneliness, and negative emotions. The grief brain kicks into effect, impacting your concentration, cognition, and so on. “Can grief cause memory loss...
8 ways to help a friend through grief Don't try to fix the unfixable. By Paisley GilmourUpdated: 26 May 2017When one of our pals loses a job, or breaks up with their partner, we generally know what to say to support them. However when someone's grieving, we often have no...
Show empathy.When it comes to giving support, be as empathic as you can be, Bobby says. It isn't uncommon for a person to go through a "mini grief process," while coping with job loss. "The most important thing is for your partner to feel unconditionally loved, respected, and support...
I offer you all my condolences. I hope you can find here some helpful advice on how to deal with the grief process during this holiday season, how to find the strength to heal, and how to deal with those who surround you. I pray that we all find some comfort and...
Having a partner with depression can be an alienating experience. Without understanding the symptoms of depression and the shame a person feels about being depressed, the experience can be confusing and hurtful. It’s easy to equate these behaviours
Grief is a process in which the more you understand and actively work through, the more effective the healing is. Many find that additional support from a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist helps to promote a healthy healing process, especially if the grief is prolonged. The skills learned in...
rage — everything you’re feeling is valid. It’s important to acknowledge that no two bereaved parents will similarly grieve a child’s death. However, the right tools can help you learnhow to deal with griefto navigate this very personal, difficult time. With support, you start on a ...
You cannot resolve other people’s grief for them, but you can find ways to support them while they address it.As you reflect on your own leadership style, you may recognize ways in which exhibiting these behaviors will be challenging for you. You may even w...
Finding a partner is not easy and still difficult is overcoming the grief when you lose the same partner. Read on to find how you can cope with a break-up.. Sunita got dumped by her boyfriend of five years and did not know what to do. Her life came to a standstill. She could not...
When Not to Love Someone from a Distance Although there are many good reasons for loving someone from a distance, there are also times when it might cause you unnecessary pain or grief. 1. If your fear is holding you back Sometimes, you might assume that the person you love doesn’t lov...