Still, Sweet thinks there could have been even larger Indigenous support for Democrats this year if Biden had paid more attention. She points to the first-everpresidential forum on Native American issueslast year, where Biden was not listed as a participant, but Kamala Harris was. S...
In the meantime, though, there are a number of Native American-led donation efforts that you can support to assist communities on reservations in getting access to essential supplies. These efforts are being organized by Native American people who are deeply engaged with these communities, which Ki...
As mentioned above, vaccination is the most effective strategy to reduce influenza death and illness, with vaccination being recommended for anyone over 6 months of age to prevent disease among individuals and their communities (CDC, 2021a, 2021b, 2021c; US Department of Health & Human Services...
How were local communities affected by Greensboro sit-ins? Greensboro Sit-in: The sin-in in Greensboro, North Carolina, in 1960 was the work of four local African American college students. They had been discussing what they might do to protest segregation and decided to sit in at a local...
“So there you have it,’’ Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a former CBO director who is president of the conservative American Action Forum, wrote in February. “The way to solve an inflation crisis is to endure an immigration crisis." Many economists suggest that immigrants benef...
American University has one optional prompt for all applicants about why you want to attend AU. Additionally, the school has prompts for each of its special programs. There are three prompts for Honors Program applicants, two prompts for Global Scholars Program applicants, three prompts for Lincoln...
Erika GiovanettiOct. 16, 2024 Scholarships for BIPOC Students Don't fear the application process and start searching for BIPOC scholarships your freshman year of high school. J. Anthony CalhounOct. 15, 2024 Create an Account Create a free account to save articles, sign up for newsletters and ...
to honor and learn about Native American communities, and the best way to engage with these traditions is to go directly to the source. Seek out opportunities to have members of your local tribal nations come and share their knowledge, customs, and stories through presentations, workshops, ...
and to stay connected. Yet, by one definition, more than 30 million Americans live in areas where there is no broadband infrastructure that provides minimally acceptable speeds —a particular problem in rural communities throughout the country,” the White House said in a press release announcing ...
Higher levels of social support were associated with more suicide attempts, an observation potentially attributable to the cross-sectional nature of the study. Interventions should focus on protective factors and context-specific interventions emphasizing community history, values, and strengths.Marija Bogic...