Research in the British Medical Journal has found a link between a deficiency in Vitamin D and respiratory tract infections, so don’t just blame your hectic lifestyle for always feeling run down. People from Black, Asian + minority ethnic backgrounds are more likely to be Vitamin D deficient...
Supplement the 6-8 hours of direct sunlight from a south-facing windowsill with a strongfull-spectrum grow lightto deliver the intensity of the sun in shadier homes/throughout winter. Basil Growing Tips 1. Only Repot When Ready Transplant shock stunts the growth of young basil plants, seeing ...
Avoid Vitamin D deficiency this winter with our expert guide to the best Vitamin D foods to fill up on, signs that you need more and your Vitamin D meal plan.
Vitamin K is also crucial to bone health, with studiesshowingthat a deficiency of this key vitamin can increase the risk of bone abnormalities like osteoporosis and fractures. Manganese,zincandcopperare just a few other minerals that are plentiful in natto and important when it comes tomaintaining...
such as vitamin D andvitamin B12, especially in vegetarians, is crucial. Additionally, I would screen for thyroid disorders if other symptoms suggest such a condition, and I would also rule out anemia andiron deficiency. It’s important to identify the underlying cause accurately to ensure approp...
Adults 50 years or younger should supplement with 800-1000 IU of vitamin D. For patients takingchronic steroids, theAmerican College of Rheumatologyrecommends 400 to 800 IU of vitamin D to prevent osteoporosis. What causes vitamin D deficiency? It seems that the NOF’s recommendations are actually...
Research shows that low vitamin D levels may reduce bone density and increase bone loss in adults and children compared to those with sufficient amounts. Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D; however, one may take a supplement, especially if they don’t get enough sunlight or during the...
2. Boost your vitamin D intake Vitamin D also plays an important role in your bone health, as your body can’t absorb calcium without it. If you’re deficient in vitamin D, your body will take calcium from your bones, which ultimately weakens them. A vitamin D deficiency can also ...
Vitamin deficiency: Vitamin C deficiency can give rise to swelling and inflammation of the gums Unhealthy diet: Diets with sugar-richfoodscan lead to swollen gums Ill-fitting braces: They can cause constant irritation and swelling of the gums ...
These are the steps you need to take to change your Medicare supplement plan. Vanessa CaceresFeb. 7, 2025 Worst Medicare Advantage Plans Find out how to spot the worst Medicare Advantage plans and select a better plan instead. Paul WynnFeb. 7, 2025 ...