This command teleports the player named Steve to the coordinates (0, 250, 0)./summon zombie ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:"Zombie King"}This command summons a zombie with the custom name “Zombie King.”/setblock 0 250 0 minecraft:diamond_block...
How to Reload Chunks in Minecraft How To Remove Operator Minecraft Server How to respawn the Enderdragon How to Set a Spawn Point How to Set Up a World Border in Minecraft How to Set up Tebex on your Server How to get a Steam Game Token How to Summon a Mob Without AI How to TP to...
Thankfully, most of the time you will be fighting only one Breeze, so that will make your job easier. Other trial spawners usually summon more hostile mobs, which you will have to keep track of and fight to survive. That said, check out some tips and tricks to defeat the Breeze: 1. ...
Minecraft has a variety of wild mobs, but none of them are as unpredictable as the fox. They are small, fast, and fans of stealing items from players. Moreover, foxes are also one of the cutest addition that you can make to yourhouse in Minecraft. But that’s only possible after you...
put this command in a reapet command block and have it on always active or power it manually when you want to activate the thing execute as @p[nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:fishing_rod",Count:1b}}] run execute at @p run execute at @e[distance=0..10,type=...
The Minecraft world is composed of several dimensions, each offering unique environments, challenges, and rewards for players to explore. Let’s take a closer look at the dimensions that make up the vastness of Minecraft. The primary dimension is the Overworld. This is the dimension where players...
Sugar Gliders are very unique pets. They are like flying squirrel-chipmunks with adorable eyes. Terraria has a pet summon for every pet you could possibly have, from dogs to this. The Eucalyptus Sap that summons the Sugar Glider isa very rare drop from shaking a treethat doesn't require Ha...
Karazhan is one of the most popular dungeons in World of Warcraft right now. Here is how to do the quest to obtain "The Master's Key" to get in. However, As of Patch 2.4, you no longer need to do this chain of quests to get into Kharazan,...
Mobs in the tower do not drop loots, but chests will appear at the end of the floor after you killed the boss. The chests in Sky Tower are also bosses—the best way to get a decent loot is by using Treasure Charm. You need to hit the chest at least once in order to get a ...
Minecraft Mobs: A Complete List and Detailed Guide How to Make an Iron Golem in Minecraft Redstone Components in Minecraft: A Complete Guide Step 2: Make the Spawning Platform Once you have all of the coordinates saved, let’s start building the wither skeleton farm in Minecraft. ...