WeactuallyhaveareallygoodidiomforthisinEnglish. Itcomesfromsportsfromfootballandifyouimagineagamewheresomeonegetstheballandtheykeeptheball.实际上在英语中有一个非常好的习语,它来自足球运动,你想象一场比赛,有人拿到了球,他们把着球。Theydon'tshareitwiththeirteam. They'rerunningdownthefieldTheywanttoscore...
Para.2:Detailsaboutthemovie thetitleofthemoviethedirectorthestudiothemainactorstheyearitwasmade(ifyouwatchediton video)therating ThirdParagraph:Characterandplotsummary Nottelleverythingthathappens--andespeciallynottheending Summarizethebasicplotofthemovie,inmoredetailthanyoudointheparagraphabove.FourthParagraph:A...
Summary– the whole point of the review is to summarize the documentary or movie for people who haven’t watched it yet. To make this as effective as possible, always assume that your professor hasn’t seen it either (as mentioned above). Why is this important? You won’t leave out som...
Anelevator pitch(also known as anelevator speech) is a short, persuasive speech you use to introduce yourself, your product, or your company. Its purpose is to explain the concept quickly and clearly to spark interest in who you are and what you do. Simply put—It’s an answer you give...
It is important to understand how fair use applies to video copyrighted material you may produce. For example, if someone is reviewing a movie, they can legally use clips or quotes from the movie. The same applies to written work and audio, as well. However, if the owner of the content...
Write a summary draft Proofread and revise if necessary 1– Read the Original The first step is the most obvious: Read the original text you’ll need to summarize later. Do not take notes while reading; your goal is toget the writer’s styleand tone and grasp the main idea (s) they ...
Statistical analysis relies on statistical techniques to examine and summarize data, draw conclusions, and make predictions. This type of analysis helps businesses make better (and more informed) decisions since they’ll have a better understanding of key business metrics and previous trends. ...
13 But you need to summarize the basic plot of the movie. In the next paragraph, go deep into the movie. If it is a musical;you should say something ab out the songs. 14 Or retell another big moment of the movie and explain why it is important.If you think the"idea"behind a ...
A summary is a condensed restatement, in your own words, of an author's work. That work may be an article, essay or anything else. Writing a summary will help you better understand what you read, internalize the main ideas, clarify them and be able to us
3、ppens-and especially not the ending nsummarize the basic plot of the movie, in more detail than you do in the paragraph above. fourth paragraph: a key moment or idea ngo into detail about something important that interested you about the movie fifth paragraph: evaluate the movie ndo you...