If you can summarise your career history comfortably on asingle side, this is fine and has advantages when you are making speculative applications and need to put yourself across concisely. However, you should not leave out important items, or crowd your text too closely together in order to f...
A CV summarises your employment history, education, professional skills and qualifications. Optionally, it can also present your professional awards, accolades, memberships and relevant hobbies. So now you know what it is, let's get started on how to write a CV: 1. Use the right CV layout ...
Pro Tip:Should I put my GCSEs on my CV is a question many jobseekers ask themselves. If you’re a university student or graduate, the answer is a clear no. If you’re still at school, e.g. studying for your A-levels, then it’s a yes. And if you’re a school-leaver who ha...
’ You check:Let’s check you’ve understood so far: Simone, could you summarise the story so far; Michael, could you explain the process for us..
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Financial accountants record, classify, summarise, interpret and communicate the financial information of the business. They look back at the company's financial performance and produce reconciliations and reports required by the Government. They also advise senior managers on the ...