There may be cases when you want to submit to another journal prior to receiving a decision. For example, if your results are time sensitive, the review process is taking much longer than normal for that journal, and the editors cannot speed up the process. In this case, i...
There may be cases when you want to submit to another journal prior to receiving a decision. For example, if your results are time sensitive, the review process is taking much longer than normal for that journal, and the editors cannot speed up the process. In this case, i...
How to submit a manuscript-Nature.Science1 科学网-邹晓辉的博客-[转载](Nature)How to submit a manuscript?管理我的博客所有文章 file:///C|/Documents and Settings/DELL/桌面/新建文件夹 (2)/How to submit a manuscript-Nature.htm[2010-8-6 14:18:28]
Submit a manuscript to Random House in such a way that you know an editor has handled it. Go to a writing conference; there are plenty in every corner of the country. Random House editors are frequent guests at such conferences and they are sometimes available for writers. Pitch your idea ...
Submit a manuscript to Random House in such a way that you know an editor has handled it. Go to a writing conference; there are plenty in every corner of the country. Random House editors are frequent guests at such conferences and they are sometimes available for writers. Pitch your idea...
manuscript any discussion of investigational or “off-label” use of drugs or medical devices. The authors will be required to submit such disclosures when submitting their manuscript in the cover letter. Only if conflicts of interest exist will this appear in the published form of the manuscript...
The first time you submit viaManuscript Central you will need to set up an account. Ifyou have submitted before and already have an accountyou can simply log in and go straight to the Author Centre.BEFORE YOU BEGIN
What may surprise you is that around 50% of the authors who send their manuscripts to me make simple errors that drastically reduce their chances of being published — which is what led me to write my own book on how to submit a manuscript to publishers! My ebook, How to Perfect Your ...
This tutorial will help you ensure your best chance of having your research manuscript accepted with a minimum of hassle.
How to submit your manuscript? 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 97 摘要: B) which serves as the synopsis of the entire article is a single paragraph of 150 or fewer words written in English. should be unstructured and include the full title, aim of the study, method and procedures, core ...