Interested in works by John Steinbeck? Looking for a great article site? Want to submit art for publication? If you have an original blog post, feature article, or work of art about John Steinbeck’s life, influence, or relevance, simply complete the form below and attach your file: ...
How to submit an article for PerspectivesThis article presents information on procedure to submit article from experts in commercial insurance, risk management and employee benefits management for publication in Perspective...
We are glad, that you would like to become an author and submit an article for ourMilitary-Medicine Journal! Here you will find ourEditorial Advisory Board Please open the following document for information concerning the maineditorial processof the Military-Medicine Journal:Editorial Process_journal_...
How to choose a journal to submit an article 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 20 作者:FX Nahas,LM Ferreira 摘要: On a submission process, the choice of the journal is a fact that may lead to the acceptance or rejection of the paper. Some facts must be considered when a journal ...
How to publish an article? – Step by step If you plan to submit an article to one of our journals, or have any questions during the publication process, this helpdesk will guide you through manuscript submission, production and the services you can expect after your article’s publication....
If you would like to submit an article to Omniglot, please read the following guidelines: Articles should be related to language and/or culture. If you're not sure what to write about, have a look at the articles already on this site, and try to think of something that hasn't been ...
This tutorial will help you ensure your best chance of having your research manuscript accepted with a minimum of hassle.
Howtosubmitarevision:如何提交一份修订 How to submit a revision Log on to the online submission site and, in the 'Author Centre'Click on 'Manuscripts with Decisions' under 'My Manuscripts'. You will then see a list of all manuscripts you have submitted where the editors have been able to ...
Get prepared to submit your paper Peer review If the journal editor thinks your article has potential for publication, they will send it out to be reviewed by two or three experts in the field. This can be a daunting prospect, but peer review is a fundamental part of getting published and...
For this reason it may not be practical to submit one query to an editor that contained four ideas as the letter/email would be long and this may result in a rejection because the editor simply didn’t have enough time to read the query. ...