General points Conditions for publication How to submit a manuscriptFee, Everett
How to submit a manuscript-Nature.Science1 科学网-邹晓辉的博客-[转载](Nature)How to submit a manuscript?管理我的博客所有文章 file:///C|/Documents and Settings/DELL/桌面/新建文件夹 (2)/How to submit a manuscript-Nature.htm[2010-8-6 14:18:28]
How to Prepare a Manuscript for a Peer-Reviewed JournalWhen choosing the journal to which you hope to submit your academic or scientific writing, it is always best to prioritise journals that are refereed or peer reviewed because this means that the research articles published by those journals ...
A manuscript is yourwork of fictionor nonfiction that you submit to a publisher or agent in the hope that someone will turn it into apublished book. What is Formatting? Formatting is how your manuscript looks. This includes things like whether the lines are single- or double-spaced. What si...
Once you manuscript has come back from reviewers you may be given the opportunity to revise it in accordance with the reviewer comments. You will usually receive a letter from the editor who handled your manuscript outlining the changes they would like you to make and links to ...
How to publish an article? – Step by step If you plan to submit an article to one of our journals, or have any questions during the publication process, this helpdesk will guide you through manuscript submission, production and the services you can expect after your article’s publication....
Once you manuscript has come back from reviewers you may be given the opportunity to revise it in accordance with the reviewer comments. You will usually receive a letter from the editor who handled your manuscript outlining the changes they would like you to make and links to ...
When appropriate, the editor will often use this information to convey to you which referee concerns should be addressed before publication could be offered in the new journal. If you prefer not to have the editor consult with other colleagues regarding your manuscript, please indicate this clearly...
to ensure all research discussed in their work is credible and data are accurate prior to publication. Authors must also clearly identify in the manuscript any discussion of investigational or “off-label” use of drugs or medical devices. The authors will be required to submit such disclosures ...
Apply double spacing to your manuscript for the lines Font size should be 12 points, with all text in black Alignment should be left justified Depending on where you’re going to submit your manuscript, you can use letter size (8.5” x 11”) or A4 (210mm x 297 mm) ...