Candidates have prepared for NEET 2022 chemistry from the best books. Now it's the time to do some smart work. They must practice NEET UG previous year’s questions as much as they can. This will not only give them an idea of the type of questions asked but will allow them to a...
you need to decide on a study schedule. Plan ahead how much time it will take to study the entire Neet Physics and Chemistry syllabus forNEET 2021. You can create a monthly, weekly or quarterly
4. Know what books to study for NEET No book can beat the NCERT text book for the three pure sciences. Apart from that, Biology from GRB Bathla’s Publications, Biology by Pradeep’s Publications, Trueman’s Biology (volume 1 and 2) and Objective Biology by Dinesh are all very good pre...
It is very important to set a timetable. It is important to create a proper strategy to help you balance everything, i.e. studies and some time for yourself. It is necessary to develop and stick to a study routine. The study timetable should include a manageable amount of hours. Instea...
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Answer Study Materials Sample Papers Syllabus Textbook Solutions Answer Verified 372.3k+ views Hint :There are many units in physical world such as kilometres (km), meters (m), centimetre (cm), millimetre (mm), nanometre (nm), and decametre (dm). To answer this question you should...
Early morning is also a great time to study as your mind is rested and your body is energized. Having said that, some people are more comfortable in burning the midnight oil, to each his own. Go for the low-hanging fruit first: Powering through the easier tasks first builds valuable ...
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Doubtnut is the perfect NEET and IIT JEE preparation App. Get solutions for NEET and IIT JEE previous years papers, along with chapter wise NEET MCQ solutions. Get all the study material in Hindi medium and English medium for IIT JEE and NEET preparation ...
Get access to the latest How to Find Empirical Formula and Molecular Formula of Compound (in Hindi) prepared with IIT JEE course curated by Anirudh Walia on Unacademy to prepare for the toughest competitive exam.