which becomes 食べる (たべる –“taberu”). To conjugate this to the plain past tense “ate,” we change the hiragana ending (and thus pronunciation) but not the root kanji – 食べた (たべた –“tabeta”).
A unique feature of Kanshudo is that you can have multiple flashcards for the same item (kanji, word etc). This enables you to study material grouped in different ways, which can help you remember it more effectively. Your cards can have different learning statistics so you can 'restart' ...
It's also brought with it a more fast-paced and impatient society than ever before; a society that no longer has the time it once had to sit in a language class and study from a textbook.Learning a language like Japanese has become increasingly important in our globalized world, but who...
For you (beginner), this is going to be really hard. It’s not going to help you to just look at things and read them, as it will probably take forever and you could be using your time much more effectively somewhere else (like bylearning kanji, or really most anything). If you’r...
Since the site is entirely in Japanese (without furigana for the kanji), it may be daunting for beginners to navigate. But if you feel like you can already move past the likes ofNHK News Web Easy, TV Asahi’s site may give you the news fix you’re looking for. ...
Can you use kanji?/ Can you read and write? 漢字•読み書きも大丈夫ですか? What are the reasons you decided to live in Japan? なぜ日本で就職されているんですか? What do you like about Japan? 日本の何が好きですか? What do you know about our company and the role? 弊社のこ...
Since I used to schedule my time every day, I got very used to blocking off time and effectively scheduling days in my head. I still use the technique, but mostly I use it now on the weekends or when I have a lot more to accomplish in one day than usual. ...
Lastly, if you’re hoping to learn Japanese at some point, Traditional is basically the same as the Kanji alphabet. Whether you opt for Traditional or Simplified Chinese (or both), flashcards are the most effective learning tools you can use to learn Chinese characters. By combining these ...
I'm Krisada, the creator of JLPT TUTOR. I created this site to share the path of my Japanese learning That I achieved my JLPT N1. You may struggle with Kanji , Grammar , Listening, reading and fail again and again. I know how you feel when you see "Not Pass" I want to share wha...
The translation demolishes that and replaces it with an incredibly simple summary of the book…although I will admit that it does summarize the book somewhat effectively, lol. Are the Beatles just not as popular in Spanish-speaking countries? I find that difficult to imagine. I’d chalk this...