if you are currently receiving financial aid to go to college, that financial aid will still go toward your study abroad program. You could also take out a student loan oraccumulate some scholarship money. If you can’t afford to study abroad for a full year, a ...
Once you know what you want to study, it’s time to pick a country. Think about things like language, work opportunities, and cost of living. For example, would you be okay studying in a non-English-speaking country, or do you want a place where English is widely spoken? What coun...
With scholarships, it isn’t any different. A good place to start is to know where most scholarship money comes from. If you look at the chart below, you’ll see that most scholarships for college students come from the universities themselves. Trends in Student Aid 2022 Knowing the differen...
Scholarship in USA Student Visa in USA Intake in USA FAQ - USA Study in USA has always been, and continues to be a dream to every international student willing to study abroad. If you are looking forward to studying in USA, or already have been accepted by University in USA, this...
Do I have to include Professional Profile in Academic CV for Scholarship? The professional profile is a section with which some people decide to start their CV in the form of presentation. However, it can become a repetition of what you will surely write in yourmotivation letter. For this re...
Scholarship America: A nonprofit organization that helps students access postsecondary education scholarships and support services. USA Study Abroad: Offers information on the Boren Awards and The Language Flagship, funding U.S. undergraduate students to study less commonly taught languages in world region...
What are the IVY League Universities in the USA? The Northeastern United States is home to eight of the most prestigious private universities in the world, known collectively as the Ivy League. These universities are considered some of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the USA. The...
Scholarship types If you are planning to study abroad, you should research your target university to know what is on offer for international students. Among the types of scholarships in the US, for example, are financial, or “need-based,” scholarships, for students from poorer backgrounds. A...
Treat the scholarship search like a job—or at least encourage your child to treat it that way. Going to school debt-free is serious business, and the paycheck shows up in the form of award letters from scholarship committees. I recommend high schoolers spend several hours a day on summer...
With the cost of a college education soaring, finding ways to pay without being buried under debt is critical. However, be skeptical of companies or websites that promise to help you find scholarship money in return for a fee. Many are outright scams, and few can do anything for you that...