Aim of this study was to clarify the best laparoscopic subtotal cholecystectomy (LSTC) technique for finalizing a difficult cholecystectomy. A review was performed (1987–2021) searching "difficulty cholecystectomy" AND/OR "subtotal cholecystectomy". The
病历摘要: 女性,38岁,持续性心房颤动1年,长期服用地高辛、地尔硫 和华法林,10天前出现腹泻伴恶心,食欲下降。两天来出现阵发性头晕、眼黑。查体:BP100/70mmHg,双肺(-),心率38次/分,心律齐,心尖部可闻及3/6舒张期隆隆样杂音和3/6收缩期吹风样杂音,可闻及开瓣音。腹软,左下腹轻压痛。 下一...
Before there can be widespread uptake of these tests, they must be evaluated to confirm the benefits of their use. But how should genetic tests be evaluated? One approach has been the ACCE model framework for evaluating emerging genetic tests.1 The model takes its name from the four ...
It is part of everyday practice for healthcare professionals to interrupt one another to communicate urgent information. Interruptions during radiology reporting cause inefficiency and potentially harm to patients.1 When an individual’s attention is diverted from their primary task, memory of the primar...
At that time, to progress further, you also needed to study for an MD or PhD and preferably get a ‘BTA’ (Been To America). Even when extensively post-nominalled, you had little control over where your Senior Registrar post might be. If I really wanted to stay in my adopted city I...
Background. The term “paraduodenal pancreatitis” (PP) was proposed as a synonym for duodenal dystrophy (DD) and groove pancreatitis, but it is still unclear what organ PP originates from and how to t...
(< 7 cm) solid renal masses to differentiate ccRCC from other kidney lesions. Participants in the study received89Zr-DFO-girentuximab PET/CT and then underwent partial or radical nephrectomy for pathology. The majority of patients had ccRCC (67%), followed by papillary RCC (15%), ...