“I want to cultivate healthy study habits so I can always do my best.” Whatever your goals, write each of them down and keep the list visible and displayed near your workspace. This way, you can remind yourself of your motivations for studying each time you feel your concentration slippin...
Most of the time, the key to reducing exam anxiety is preparedness. Make an early start on your revision; starting six weeks before the examination is usually recommended. But this can change depending on where you feel you are in your studies and the study...
Small Steps to Begin: Wake up 15 minutes earlier: Gradually adjust your wake-up time if you struggle with mornings. Dedicate 10 minutes to planning: Spend a few minutes each night planning the next day. It helps you stay organized and prepared. Add short study sessions: If you’re not us...
Both options have their own merits, but if I have to choose one, I would pick short holidays. The reason for this is that I can feel more prepared to go back to study and feel less fatigued than spending a week for playing or traveling. The purpose of holiday should be to give peopl...
It's a fantastic way to have fun, be creative, and enjoy a yummy treat all at the same time! 喜欢茶/咖啡 Compared to fruit and tea, I prefer to choose coffee because it can inspire the mind and increase concentration. As far as I am concerned, drinking a cup of coffee in the ...
Place a do not disturb sign at your desk or door. Turn off electronic distractions like your TV and smartphone. Take short breaks. A study out of the University of Illinoisfound that brief diversions improve focus. Or, in lamen’s terms,taking frequent breaks improves your concentration and ...
Unfortunately, arecent study has shownthat the mere presence of your smartphone in the same room (even when it's switched off) reduces the available cognitive capacity. So in order to focus 100%, avoid keeping your phone on your desk or if possible, in a different room altogether. ...
in advance at half price. C) It s difficult to buy the tickets on the spot. D) I t / s b e tt er to buy the t ick et s beforehand. 18. A) He turned suddenly and ran into a tree . B) He was h it by a fa llen box from a truck . C) He dro e too fa st and ...
It is that time of the semester again when students are scrambling to study for their exams. Here is how to study effectively so you can ace those exams.
Ready to explore study abroad destinations and programs? Use our comprehensive search to find your perfect match! Find programs 1. Plan ahead. Cramming and writing your essay the night before is the last thing you want to do. Your university work requires full engagement and concentration! So,...