if you are currently receiving financial aid to go to college, that financial aid will still go toward your study abroad program. You could also take out a student loan oraccumulate some scholarship money. If you can’t afford to study abroad for a full year, a ...
Making mistakes in a standard essay is bad, but you’re fighting so hard in a study abroad scholarship essay that if you aren’t vigilant about the small things, those judging your work will be eager to cut you out to save themselves the trouble. Proofreading is a complex pro...
Australia:"Not studying abroad is probably my biggest regret regarding my education. What I really missed out on was experiencing how things are done in other parts of the world, immersing myself in new cultures, and meeting people from across the globe. When I talk with friends who stud...
Here are some sources of scholarships and grants that can lower the costs for U.S. college students to study abroad.
involvement. But, if you’re a strong athlete, then you may even earn an athletic scholarship with the chance to play on the school team. Some schools, like any of the40 public universities and colleges in Florida, will offer tuition discounts for any Canadian who chooses to study there. ...
Tips to successfully apply to study abroad in Spain: Start preparing a year out I saved up for a year and lived with my parents in order to have enough savings to move to Spain. Some factors to consider when starting to save are health insurance, deposits, first month's rent for an ...
come at a lower cost. While the famous Fulbright program is the flagship program and the most competitive to study abroad. You have flexible choices. Other famous government program to look at include the Benjamin Gilman Scholarship Program, thePeace Corpsand thePeople to People Ambassador Program...
will count towards your degree if you need them to. Check out your university’s international or study abroad office to learn which universities does your home college partner with abroad, or which external organizations they have set up partnerships with. Will the credits you earn abroad be tr...
8. Do I have to speak a second language to study abroad? This depends on the country you wish to study in, and the language your course will be taught in. If you’re not a native English speaker but wish to study a course taught in English, you will have to prove you can speak ...
I had studied French in college, and my university offered a year abroad in France. My scholarship would apply; credit for courses was assured; advisers were available on campus to discuss passports, visas, shots, international student IDs and driver’s licenses. A charter flight had been book...