How to structure your business to protect your intellectual propertyMichael Smyth
When you start a business, you will need to determine how to structure your business. A business can be structured as sole proprietorship, a partnership, a limited liability company, a non-profit organization or a corporation. It is important to know the advantages, disadvantages, and purpose ...
How To Structure Your Business LettersKJ Hutchings
Scaling a business sustainably means being prepared for long-term growth. This guide will walk you through how to scale up your business so you always remain in control of your future.
1. Vet your business idea A“good business idea” is one you can afford to execute, serves the market, and has potential for you to make a comfortable profit. Princeton Creative Research has auseful checklistof questions that can help you evaluate your business idea, including: ...
Your industry or sector is undergoing growth.Keeping on top of your industry and your competitors can give you an idea of whether your specific sector is growing, and provide you an opportunity to structure your business to benefit from that growth. ...
A key here is to maintain the synchronizations of the value of the business and the death benefit of the life insurance policies. This eliminates surprises from cropping up at the worst possible time. This structure is referred to as a cross-purchase agreement. Another common structure is ...
Choosing the right ownership structure and governance system can protect the longevity of your company.By: Jamie Johnson , Contributor Share Because of the complex and intricate connections that exist between family members and a business, it's imperative to set up a beneficial business ownership ...
Starting a business is a pursuit that appeals to many, but not everyone knows where to start. This guide will walk you through the elements of starting a business and explain what you can expect as you embark on the journey.
However, if you come up with something truly unique, consider patenting an idea to protect your business. As you narrow down your business concept, here are some qualities to prioritize: Simple and clear –A good business concept should be easy to understand and explain to others. Unique –A...