A subject-specific approach is needed to close the gender attainment gap at GCSE between boys and girls, says history teacher Emma Smith
If you're applying to university, you'll need to write a personal statement. Here, we talk you through the personal statement structure, from the start to end.
You won’t be able to skip any sections. You will have to fill in all elements of your UCAS application before you can submit it. Make sure you have an up-to-date email address. For international students, there are specific questions relating to your studies. This will mainly be around...
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hand. A university degree is a big commitment in many senses, and it’s important you are confident in your final choice — visiting the campus and speaking with faculty staff and existing students will enable you to ask questions and ensure you are fully informed about your prospective ...
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This is one of the most common questions regarding education on a CV. Most of us know that there’s a standard CV structure to follow, but what comes first? Education or employment? The answer is, they both can. There’s no hard and fast rule, it just depends on what stage of your...
Going to university can bring with it not only a range of emotions, but also a whole host of choices that you have to make – some of which can seem overwhelming at times. Accommodation is a major decision, and the choices that you make in this respect r
The leading think tank Fashion Roundtable have published their new paper 'Brexit: The Impact On The Fashion Industry', outlining where fashion stands post-Brexit and how the sector can work together with government to secure its future.
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