Spinal deformity is the oldest disease known to human-kind. In an Indian religious mythological book, written between 3500 BC and 1800 BC, the first account of correction for a spinal deformity was documented. However, Hippocrates was the first physician who described the use of axial traction ...
It helps strengthen core muscles and improve posture. This can significantly reduce persistent pain and boost function. Sometimes, pain relief can come from medications or nerve block injections that target painful areas. If these options do not provide enough relief, surgery like spinal fusion may ...
Spinal fusion is a surgical procedure that involves joining two or more vertebrae in the spine to create a solid, stable structure. It aims to eliminate or reduce back pain and correct spinal deformities caused by various conditions. During the procedure, the surgeon uses bone grafts, metal plat...
While we cannot fully stop scoliosis, especially idiopathic scoliosis with no known cause, we can do some things to keep our spine healthy. It is important to have good posture. Regular exercise can help strengthen core muscles. Eating well also plays a key role. Being aware of how our body...
Use a heating pad to ease neck pain and allow you to fall asleep easier. Avoidcaffeineafter lunchtime. Create a sleep routine where you wake up and go to sleep at the same time. Avoid naps, because they can throw off your routine. ...
This implied one thing to me.. that probably the back bones were also growing. so, the secret isn’t in stretching alone but in growth hormones. I’m not here to give unrealistic promises but to share with you my journey to height increase after my puberty years and personal successful ...
For example, you might have heard you need to “strengthen your back” to get rid of your back pain. While this may be true in general, if the muscle imbalances associated with your back pain have already overly-tightened and irritated your lower back muscles, working them out will simply...
Immunotherapy.This treatment uses drugs that strengthen your immune system so it can better fight the cancer. Biological therapy.Living material in the form of bacteria, vaccines, or antibodies are carefully introduced to kill cancer cells.
[95,96,97]. The advantage of intraoperative imaging is that updated images, even after lesion removal, can be used to (partially) cope with tissue deformation during navigation [69]. Combined with real-time feedback from an intraoperative modality (e.g., radio- or fluorescence guidance) ...
bones fuse together as we age; it just seems like such a smart natural way to strengthen the human skeleton bone by bone. I think it also serves as a good way to think about the importance of getting enough calcium and other essential nutrients, to make sure that fusion happens correctly...