When it comes to how to stream them, they're a little all over the place — there's not one go-to destination at the moment where you can stop by and watch all of the Ghostbusters films for one low price. The '80s movies are on Hulu, but the newer ones are not. And, since So...
Ghostbusters: Afterlifeuses groundbreaking visual effects to bring its ghostly adventure to life, and also brought one of the franchise’s beloved characters back for a powerful, poignant final appearance.
Ghostbusters (1984) This is a good one to throw on for a mixed-aged group, since it's a mix of funny and scary (and hopefully not too terrifying). Make it a month-long Ghostbusters marathon with the sequel, the re-do and 2021's Ghostbusters: Afterlife— plus a sequel to that coming...
In reference to his upcoming appearance inFortnite, J Balvain said on Instagram that he is grateful to be the first Spanish-language artist to headline this year’s Fortnitemares event at the Afterlife Party alongside Sech. There are other incentives to capitalize on during Fortnitemares, too,...