Where to plant onions Onion planting times Planting onion seeds Planting onion seedlings Planting onion sets Companion plants for onions Container growing onions Watering onions Feeding onions Onion care Onion pests Onion diseases Harvesting onions Storing and preserving onions Onions in the kitchen Onions...
After harvesting onions out of the garden there are 4 options: Eat them Can them (thinksalsa, chutney, or withtomatoes…) Cure & store themor Freezethem I have several hanging in my basement that I cured & braided. To learn how to cure onions gohere. They will keep down there until a...
Onions should be stored in materials that allow air to circulate around the bulbs. Burlap and mesh are good storage options, as are the netting-like bags that onions are kept in at the grocery store. If the tops have been left on the onions, they can be braided together and the onions ...
Green onions, aka scallions or bunching onions, make a great flavor addition and garnish for just about any dish. Once you start growing your own at home, you’ll wonder why you ever bought the little bunches from the grocery store! They’re easy to grow and are a great option for ...
Start harvesting asparagus the second year after planting crowns (the third year after seed)—but harvest lightly for only about two weeks. Begin harvesting spears in earnest the third year—harvest for three to four weeks. Many asparagus growers follow the 1-2-4-8-week harvest sequence: pick...
Harvesting Onions When onions are finished growing the leaves turn yellow, starting with the lower leaves. Then the stalks start falling over, putting a final end to the growth. If you want to use onions right away, go ahead and pick some. But if you plan to store them to use later,...
Green onions after our first snow in the fall To grow green onions, you can do like I did and plant the bulbs from store-bought green onions directly into your garden. Or you can buy bulbs from your local garden center or a seed catalog. Catalogs have a huge variety of onion bulbs, ...
Now you know how to grow peas like the best of them. You'll Also Enjoy: How to Grow Squash & Enjoy a Big Succulent Harvest How to Grow Strawberries & Get a Farmer's Sized Harvest How to Grow Onions by Planting & Harvesting Like a Farmer ...
Why Grow Walking Onions Perennial vegetable gardeners are spoiled forchoice when it comes to perennial onions. Still, Egyptian walking onions stand out from the bunch by growing tiny bulbs called “bulblets” on the tops of their stems instead of flowers. Without harvesting, these bulblets get ...
Onions are classified as long-day, intermediate-day, or short-day. Near Seattle where I live, at the summer solstice the sun doesn’t set until after 9 pm, and it doesn’t get hard dark until nearly 11. In the summer we have a really,reallylong day. Folks further north in Canada ...