You’ll typically find heads of iceberg lettuce wrapped tightly in plastic at the grocery store. Unlike romaine and many other types of lettuce, we suggest keeping any iceberg lettuce in its original packaging in your fridge’s crisper drawer until the day you’re ready to use it. Don’t...
Some lettuces are hardier than others. Lettuce that comes in a head, like romaine oriceberg, can keep up to a couple of weeks in the fridge. To keep it fresh as long as you can, cut off the ends but otherwise leave it intact. Don't wash those suckers until you're ready to use...
For this bird, I did a 48 hour brine, then I pulled it out and let the skin “air dry” in the fridge overnight. A little light seasoning and some steady smoke is all you need after that. This bird is packed full of juice, packed full of flavor and the skin turned out better ...
At least as important as how you store produce is when you buy it. Do all your other shopping first so that your berries and broccoli don’t get warm — and respire rapidly — while you’re picking up nonperishable items. Get the produce home and into the fridge as soon as pos...
Lettuce (Lactucasativa) is a nutritious leafy vegetable mainly cultivated for its delicious green leaves, which have a mild taste. Lettuce is simple to grow perennial and cool-season vegetables that thrive in autumn and spring in most regions. Learn how to grow lettuce ahead!
If storing this vegetable in the ground turns out not to be the best method for your situation, harvest your carrots and keep them in your fridge, a root cellar, or a cool basement. And don’t forget these other things todo in the garden before winter. ...
and microorganisms start to grow.” Cold-sensitive fruits and veggies lose flavor and moisture at low temperatures. Store them on the counter, not in the fridge. Once they’re fully ripe, you can refrigerate them to help them last, but for best flavor, return them to room temp. Never ref...
When you buy bags or boxes of loose-leaf lettuce, such as spinach, arugula and mesclun mix, it’s typically pre-washed and sorted. However, it’s a good idea to pick through the lettuce and remove any damaged leaves, then give it a good rinse to wash away dirt and potential harmful ...
Lettuce root aphid Lettuce rootaphidsfeed on the roots of lettuce plants, causing plants to suddenly wilt and die. It is more common in dry conditions. Water regularly especially during dry periods. Grow lettuce under insect-proof mesh.
Store herbs dry and loose in a paper bag in the fridge, in a few inches of water away from sunlight, tie them and hang them upside down to dry, or dry them in a dehydrator. Neat Trick:Chop your fresh herbs finely and place into ice cube trays, fill with water or vegetable broth ...