Then, make a sugar syrup over medium high heat in a medium saucepan with some fresh lemon juice and spices added. The basic recipe is 1/2 cup water to 1/2 cup sugar as the base. When this has boiled, add the cherries to cook at a low simmer to get the natural cherry flavor....
Store all fresh vegetables without washing. Moisture on vegetables makes them decay more quickly. Just before you are ready to use them, wash vegetables in plenty of running water and then prepare as desired. Vegetables that show signs of spoilage begin to wilt or soften. Before they become fo...
Store bought frozen fruit is a great alternative to freezing your own and it's a great item to stock up on when it's on sale. Commercially frozen fruit is flash frozen at it's peak ripeness so it's often more nutrient rich than the fresh fruit at your grocery store. Freezing it your...
Moderately heavy fresh sage also plays nicely with sweeter applications, like a dessert or snacks with blueberries or cherries, and homemade breads. Tarragon One of the lesser popular herbs, tarragon has a loud, licorice flavor and light aroma. Unlike other fresh herbs, tarragon really works best...
Produce is kept fresh longer in plastic bags with microscopic holes that allow moisture to escape. They are perfect for strawberries, blueberries, cherries, grapes, or cherries. Have you heard about it? Other fruits and vegetables ripen faster than apples. If possible, keep them in a different...
'Factors such as the specific variety of cherries, how they were handled before reaching the store, and whether they were exposed to any treatments or chemicals can impact seed viability,' she explains. 'Therefore, I suggest getting fresh local cherries to harvest seeds from. You can explore...
Don’t you hate it when you purchase fresh fruits and vegetables, and when you get home you realize they’re mushy inside? That’s one sign of overripeness. Or you slice a green avocado only to find it’s as hard as a rock? That’s an underripe avocado. Knowing how to pick the ...
Great Home Project: Choose the best tree for your region, plant it to thrive and enjoy sweet rewards year after year
ingredients that are easy to find at any grocery store. Each step of the baking process is covered from mixing the ingredients and preparing the 9x13 pan to baking the cake. For an easy to follow recipe and guide to making fresh Filipino-style custard cake, follow the steps in this video...
24 Hard-to-Kill Houseplants for Every Room How to Get Rid of Wasps Without Getting Stung Stunning Summer Flower Options for Your Garden The Anti-Aging Effects of Rosehip Oil Design a Dreamy Small Garden Advertisement - Continue Reading Below...