The family turns to see -- A DRUNK MAN teetering toward the semi-basement window. Their faces slowly fill with dread. CHUNG-SOOK How many times did I tell you? We need to put up a “No Urinating” sign. KI-TEK It’ll make them want to do it even more. It’s psychology. ...
Fill empty spaces:Fill any remaining gaps in the box with packing peanuts, bubble wrap, or other cushioning materials. This will prevent the guitar from moving around and getting damaged during shipping. Double box if possible:If you have access to another cardboard box, consider placing the wr...
but the most obvious sign is internal rattling. Most of the time when brace comes loose or gets cracked it will tend to rattle against the guitar body as you play it. Don’t mistake this rattling forstring buzzing. The easiest way to tell if the rattling is coming from your strings or ...
It has an actual bell and clapper ringer. But the plastic posts that hold the bell in place inside the body of the phone have broken, so instead of ringing properly when it gets an incoming call, it just makes a feeble rattling sound. Since I'm not all that fond of the harsh sound...
Let's define "fret buzz." Fret buzz is the annoying sound caused by a guitar string rattling/buzzing against a fret wire when the guitar string is being plucked or played. There are three common causes of fret buzz: Frets are not level with each other (some are taller, some are shorter...
The title song for this Old West-themed sophomore project had been rattling around in Henley's head since at least 1968, but Frey was the main proponent of the rockers-as-cowboy-outlaws concept surrounding 'Desperado.' The objective, it seemed, was to make a grand statement so that the ...
If you forget, they stop—and you have no idea what time it is. Another difficulty with pendulum clocks is that they depend on the force of gravity, which varies very slightly from place to place; that means a pendulum clock tells time differently at high altitudes from at sea level!
guitar gearheads, the intro section's unmistakable use of a DigiTech Whammy pedal calls to mind a similarly named track from another linchpin metal act: "Killing in the Name" by Rage Against the Machine, which used the effect to shred-tastic aplomb. But the deep cut from Korn's eighth ...
And then Phoebe grabbed the guitar from me, as she always does. Bridgers: Then we got into some deep conversations about how easy it is to be estranged from someone that you were super close to, which is basically what the song is about. What I love about this song is that it doesn...
A half-studio, half-live recording that produced ZZ Top’s first Top 40 single with “Tush,” 'Fandango' is also home to plenty of deep-cut delights — not least of which is their roadhouse-rattling “Backdoor Medley” from a wild performance in New Orleans. For sheer reckless abandon,...