over 2 years ago Exactly, which is why I always push writers to SHIP their work and get it OUT THERE. -- More fromNihan Kucukuraland The Writing Cooperative In The Writing Cooperative by Walter Rhein I Haven’t Had a Big Break, But I’ve Had a Lot of Little Breaks ...
, the goal is to transcribe spoken language into text, and stop words are often irrelevant for accurately capturing the spoken content. however, stop words may still be considered during post-processing for certain analysis tasks. do all text analysis tasks benefit from removing stop words?
The brain and body connection are working in overdrive to process your thoughts and feelings. When there is a disconnection between them due to this stressful event, the brain is trying to come to a solution to why this event took place. What to do to stop overthinking about it: Journaling...
By default, Microsoft Office Outlook is configured to check your spelling as you type. If it detects what it thinks is a typo, it will automatically correct it. Basically, Outlook will type over your text to correct it. If you use a colloquial tone with your employees and use words that ...
Lots of students dread essay writing. These ten essay tips will teach you how to not only write a great essay, but have fun while doing it.
incredibly creative. Over the last two decades working with writers, I’ve heard just about every excuse for NOT writing you can imagine. They make sense at the time, but the problem with excuses is time passes and you don’t write. You need to stop making excuses and get down to ...
There’s a lot that goes into developing a story and writing a book. Pondering all that information can send writers over the edge, diving into the anxiety pool. You might come to a sharp stop. Stuck. Obsessing over details that don't matter early on in the process may tempt you to ...
Sasha Bradford has learned to adapt, in part by writing down where she has stored items and by setting specific goals. For example, she says, “Every time I travel, I typically forget or lose something. So now I...
Life is too short for monotone voices. Life is too short for wishy-washy writing. Life is too short to regurgitate ideas without adding value. It’s time to have fun, infuse your content with your personality, and dazzle your readers with your words. ...
Consider how many words you want to write each week. Use a Word Count Calculator to determine the goal you should aim for, depending on the type of book you are writing. For example, if your goal is 3,000 words per week and you have five chunks of time blocked off to write per ...