The "zoom" function from the upper-left menu of the RDP session is nonsense here, do NOT suggest it.The Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Manager 2.7 does the same mistake as the normal one, completely oversized UI within RDP.The mRemoteNG does NOT work (to my surprise), gives the sam... core does not load static files in internet explorer but works fine in Chrome. core Entity Framework changing connection string at run time Core Entity Framework Migrations Problem core how to get current user from web API ASP.NET Core library similar functio...
how to bring back Microsoft Sticky notes for Windows server 2016>>>I have not found any documents about this. But here is an article below about bring sticky note app back on Windows Server 2012 R2 may be ...
Click on the "Search" button to start the search. You will be able to see a summary of your search criteria as Windows looks for your parasite file(s). When your search finishes, you will see all of the files that are related to the parasite. The results will be seen on the right...
Then I had an application called Webroot installed on my Mac as part of a package of software that was required by a consultancy job. I didn't ask it to find Mac Cleaner it just did so on its own and flagged it as a virus. I was able to delete the files and haven't seen the ...
but luckily i have webroot. hopefully it works im doing the full sweepnow so cross my fingers. this is messed up isnt it vandalism, i paid a grand for my system and took 6 months to pay it off and in less the 6 min. it turned my pc into a paperwieght!!! how is that legal?
been replaced by native systemd services files so /etc/init.d/ is empty. To make use of service files simply invoke “systemctl”. You have to replace /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart commands by: systemctl stop vsftpd.service systemctl start vsftpd.service ...
4GL STOP condition: The Server application has returned an error. (7243) (7241) A Device Attached To The System Is Not Functioning A fatal alert was received from the remote endpoint. The TLS protocol defined fatal...
HI, I was using a button to submit the form so that's why I could not use target="_blank" but after the post you shared i found that i can put target="_blank" on form and it open the link in new tab. thank you very much mgebhard....
You can customise them by scaffolding the page that you want to customise and then make your changes. The local version of the page will override the version in the class library./en-us/aspnet/core/security/authentication/scaffold-identity?view=aspnetcore-2.2&tabs=visual-studio...