Most common cold viruses start with a minor tickle or itchy throat. Over the next day, they often worsen, becoming a painful sore throat. If you develop other cold symptoms, like a cough or runny nose, a cold is likely the cause of your sore throat. If you experience a fever, you co...
pollen or mold can make the lungs overreact making it very difficult to stop coughing. It is the trigger which makes people cough in these cases. Allergies such as hay fever causes irritation to the eyes, nose and throat. When the throat becomes affected, it can become very...
Don’t dismiss the tickle in your throat, the unusually fussy toddler, or the low energy preschooler. These and other early signs of illness are your chance to act fast to lessen the severity and shorten the duration of whatever it is. ...
For the lingering cough, try some pineapple juice. Yes, that story going around on the internet has some validity. Pineapple contains bromelain, which is a strong anti-inflammatory agent.[2]It can help to reduce swelling and help to heal sore throats. Other Thoughts Contrary to popular belief...
Mucus itself isn't harmful and actually protects you from illness and provides lubrication. That said, postnasal drip can be bothersome if it causes itchiness or a tickle in your throat, a cough, frequent throat clearing, or hoarseness. ...
My arms were pressed so tight to my side that I couldn’t put my hand in my pocket. The pressure was such that, to stop the fire exits bursting open, the station staff chained and padlocked them shut (Health & Safety not being a concept yet to filter down to the farther reaches of...
"It can quiet a tickle in your throat as well as prevent dehydration — a concern if you've been running a fever," says Brian Berman, M.D., director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Herbal tea, clear broth, or just plain hot ...
Come days two and three, you’ll start to feel a bit tired and sneezy, your body may ache and you’ll likely have an odd tickle or soreness in your throat that you just can’t shift. The progression of a cold can be quick, and, if you’re experiencing these symptoms, it looks li...
Just like the data we’re typing into our computer can be “carried off” to that the great storage universe called “the Cloud,” we send our germs out in a cloud every time we sneeze. That’s right: When we sneeze (and also when wecough), we release gas clouds that preserve poten...
Irritated seborrhoeic warts also tickle In deeper tumours sentinel lymph node biopsy may be Bleeding and crusting happen in an actively growing melanoma carried for all to see to assess whether lymphatic spread has occurred. Varied anaesthetists successfully shoot up sedation with small doses of a...