Sofirstofall, IinviteyoutostartobservingthethoughtsthatyouhaveaboutyourselfasacommunicatororasaspeakerofEnglishasasecondlanguageandseeifthereissomethingtherethatisalreadysettingyouupforfailure.所以,首先,我邀请你开始观察你自己作为一个沟通者的想法,或者作为一个把英语作为第二语言的人,看看是否有什么东西已经让你...
Despite the dangers of thinking too much, the number of people affected is substantial enough to take it seriously for us to really learn some techniques on how to stop overthinking. One US study called it a national epidemic, and bestseller books have been written about the subject, suggesting...
You are standing at the kickoff of the match of your life, the match by which you will learn how to stop taking things personally. So as a referee, I brought my coin for the toss and every coin has two sides: heads or tails. And they ...
When you put something down, say its location.One way to be more mindful of where your things are is to verbalize where you put them, says Mareen Dennis, an assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of K...
He had a habit that troubled him deeply—he couldn't stop thinking about the past. 一个小男孩住在一个安静的村庄,但他的心却很不平静。他有一个深深困扰他的习惯——无法停止思考过去。 Old bad memories lingered in his thoughts, and if someone said something hurtfu...
)”以及后文“In fact, the longer you think about something, the less time and energy you have to take productive action. Here are some tips to help stop overthinking. (事实上,你思考的时间越长,你采取有效行动的时间和精力就越少。这里有一些建议可以帮助你停止过度思考。)”可知,本句与上文构成...
The best thing you can do to stop obsessing about past mistakes or embarrassing moments isredirect your focus/attention. Where and how do you redirect it? You take a moment to notice something happening in the physical world right here and now. ...
And if you can’t stop thinking about something, add it to your budget for next month (most likely, there’ll beanothersale). 12. Limit social media comparison. Picture this: It’s Saturday morning, and before you realize it, you’re scrolling through your social media feed to catch up...
. When we become aware, we emerge from thoughts. We stop being lost and find something – ourselves. This is why some people call the aware state “self remembering” or “knowing that you are.” Try it, you’ll see. These traditional terms make sense once you see what they refer to...
SometimesinEnglishweusetheverbdroptomeanstopdoingsomething, letitgo. Whenwefeelstuck, it'snaturalforustodothingsthatfeelcomfortableandfamiliar.在英语中,我们有时候用动词 drop 来表示停止做某件事情,让它去吧。当我们被困住时时,我们会很自然地做一些让我们感觉舒适和熟悉的事情。Weeventellourselvesthatthat's...