In order to deliver visual information that the human eye sees as “real,” a frame rate of 60 frames per second (fps) is needed. With the proper VR-ready gaming PC powering it, Oculus and Vive delivers 90 fps. And the home console PlayStation VR, a virtual reality headset add-on fo...
This guide requires adding our plugin to a game’s Unity project, so it doesn’t apply if you have bought a VR game on Steam and want to make a mixed reality video. However, you can still use the ZED as a normal camera in the standard ways of implementing mixed reality, which will...
If you still aren’t on v30, go to the Settings section and then the Beta tab. Enable the Public Test Channel option, then return to the Library section and the Updates tab to see if an ‘Oculus Software Update’ appears. Allow it to install and then check your version number again to...
im used to having it set to default of 2 or sometimes 3 (forgot what the games default is triple buffering is 3) so i would guess its 2 either way ill take the slight hit on input lag to have have it at 2 than to have reflex on and having the stutter Like 0 Repl...
IMO, should work in any DID enabled browser to actually render that image. We have so much implemented in web libraries that the current dereferencing semantics don't make much sense to me. What I think we need is for dids to be usable as URLs, full stop. We probably don't want to ...
The bit we’d guessed correctly concerned how far the vanguard zombies had managed to spread the plague simply by walking out from ground zero in Melbourne. The current ‘battle front’ was indeed being fought on three separate fronts: one in each of the three regional cities of Geelong, ...
into building and survival games. Currently playing satisfactory and factorio quite a bit, EU4 is also good to play (good single player too btw!, just a bit expensive to buy completely). waiting for the next mmo, currently got my eye on Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, just wa...
It has therefore become very clear that actions are needed that will ensure the use of more sustainable modes of transport. To make people less dependent on their cars, several actions are needed, one of which focuses on the social psychological factors that determine behaviour. The starting ...
Web1 basierte auf verteilten Netzen, in denen Daten an mehreren Orten vorhanden und durchsuchbar und zugänglich sind. Bei dieser Entwicklung des Webs lag der Schwerpunkt auf der Möglichkeit des Nutzers, Informationen abzurufen und Waren online zu kaufen. ...