Since microplastics are commonly found in indoor dust, one way to reduce exposure is to invest in filters that target small particulates. HEPA filters, for example, are designed to remove “99.97% of dust, pollen, mold, bacteria, and any airborne particles with a size of 0.3 microns.” (36...
In addition to rest, fasting, and a bland diet, there are some other things you may find helpful in dealing with diarrhea issues at home.ProbioticsProbiotics may be helpful when dealing with diarrhea. Since the digestive tract makes up about 60 to 80% of your pet’s immune system, keeping...
Before you eat, take a moment to ask yourself:“Am I truly hungry, or am I eating out of boredom, stress, or habit?”If it’s emotional hunger, consider alternative ways to address your feelings, such as journaling, taking a walk, or talking to a friend. Step 2: Create a Calm Eati...
As a last resort baby orajel to stop the pain a mix of peppermint oil(drop), coconut oil(TBSP) and baking soda(TBSP) at night to coat those teeth while he sleeps would do a world of good for the pain, just use a very fine coating on his gums and teeth, safe to swallow Reply ...
I started taking Turmeric alone. After 4 days I realized I was walking, jumping and skipping as I always had done when in a hurry. I put 2 and 2 together and came to the conclusion that it was the turmeric. I did my homework and learned that ginger and curcurmin also support joints...
Fish need a balanced and nutritious diet to help prevent any common fish disease they could be afflicted with. Depending on your fish, their diet will differ, but we can provide a few guidelines here. Carnivornes and Omnivornes Flake – High qualityflake foodwith probiotics ...
Any reaction of this nature indicates you should stop taking the pills and that your stomach acid is sufficient. The test would now be complete and you could repeat it yearly since stomach acid levels tend to decrease with age as well as stress. ...
WELCOME TO BALANCEGENICS COMMUNITY Over 20,000 Happy Customers I started taking Turmeric alone. After 4 days I realized I was walking, jumping and skipping as I always had done when in a hurry. I put 2 and 2 together and came to the conclusion that it was the turmeric. I did my homew...
If you think your baby’s diarrhea may be connected to a dietary issue, it’s important to keep your baby hydrated while also taking steps to help pinpoint the root of the problem. Keep a food diary. Take note of everything your baby is ingesting to help your doctor identify the possib...
Kefirmade from raw milk is especially beneficial for health as it has been fermented and hasprobioticsthatcan help boost the good bacteriain your gut topromote better digestionandenhance immunity. Try adding milk or kefir to your next breakfast smoothie to pump up the nutrient profile and start ...