From here you can launch SteamVR games from the Library tab of the SteamVR dashboard (or launch them from Steam on your PC). Quitting Oculus Air Link (return to Quest dashboard) If you want to stop playing PC VR games on Quest, you can quit Oculus Air Link by opening the Oculus Da...
However, both Oculus and SteamVR (Vive) have free plugins you can download from Unity’s Asset Store that greatly simplifies this. These plugins are Oculus Integration and SteamVR Plugin. If they are not already part of your project, go to the Asset Store tab within the Unity editor, ...
Y remaynsyn owth esedha pols, ow lagatta orth an eyl dh’y gila. Yth esa ow brys vy ow resek toethmen. Y vrys ev ...? Wel, ny wodhyen pyth a hwarva ynno – martesen moy a draow es dell yllyn godhvos. An pols ma a ombrederans hebask a veu goderrys heb gwar...
Luckily, gamers with big PC rigs and VR headsets usually fall into the Venn Diagram circle of “people who know about Rick and Morty.” And the VR adventure game brings the same brand of psychopathic hilarity of the show into a fully realized 3D cartoon world. To be sure, you must be ...
im used to having it set to default of 2 or sometimes 3 (forgot what the games default is triple buffering is 3) so i would guess its 2 either way ill take the slight hit on input lag to have have it at 2 than to have reflex on and having the stutter Like 0 Repl...
IMO, should work in any DID enabled browser to actually render that image. We have so much implemented in web libraries that the current dereferencing semantics don't make much sense to me. What I think we need is for dids to be usable as URLs, full stop. We probably don't want to ...
longer have any sympathy for these greedy companies who cannot see the long term damage they are doing to the all of the industries for some short turn profit for their shareholders... yet they're the first ones to complain when people stop paying for their over priced, stripped...
Denne baren er et populært innslag i slumområdene i Sector 7. Den eies og drives av Tifa og fungerer som Avalanches operasjonsbase i Midgar. Wall-markedet Midgars mest berømte – og beryktede – underholdningskvarter er et syn for øyet. Husk å stikke innom Honeybee Inn,...
Web1 basierte auf verteilten Netzen, in denen Daten an mehreren Orten vorhanden und durchsuchbar und zugänglich sind. Bei dieser Entwicklung des Webs lag der Schwerpunkt auf der Möglichkeit des Nutzers, Informationen abzurufen und Waren online zu kaufen. ...