Quitting smoking makes a difference right away in the way you feel. You can taste and smell food better. Your breath smells better. Yourcoughgoes away. These benefits happen for men and women of all ages, even those who are older. They happen for healthy people as well as those who alre...
More research is needed to fully understand why brain zaps happen, which can help prevent and treat them. Talk to a healthcare provider if you have brain zaps or are hesitant about starting or stopping antidepressant use. They can help you figure out the best discontinuation or treatment plan....
Regarding theCBD oil dosage for seizures in adultsor kids (unless they are prescribed Epidiolex already), a good rule of thumb is tostart small, especially if you’ve never taken it before. Higher doses aren’t necessarily more effective, and they can cause minor side effects such as drowsi...
If passing out occurs during tantrums, your child’s healthcare provider may examine your toddler to see if the fainting spells may be due to something like seizures. The provider may also offer recommendations on effective discipline or suggest a parent support group that you may attend for gui...
Foreign objects can also be very dangerous for dogs to ingest. These frequently include:Part of a dog toy Piece of a stick Underwear Socks, etc.Additional symptoms of a toxin or foreign body include nausea, distended and/or painful abdomen, lack of appetite, lethargy, muscle tremors, seizures...
During the tonic phase of the seizure, they may temporarily stop breathing and their face may become dusky or blue, especially around the mouth. This period is usually brief (usually no more than 30 to 45 seconds) and does not require CPR. What food is good for seizures? Although it's ...
More than ever before, people with epilepsy are living normal lives. The key is to get treatment, typically a medication, for seizures—the unpredictable disruptions in the brain's electrical system that are the hallmark symptom of epilepsy. But treatmen
Often they have dealt with prolonged depression and former brain damage, as well as epileptic seizures or a head injury across a larger area of the brain. Therefore, the trauma can have a greater, more widespread impact on the brain. Amnesia doesn't always wipe out your past. Sometimes it...
MOUNT GILEAD, Oh. -- How fast can you go before getting a speeding ticket? In theory, it’s anything over the speed limit. ABC 6 looked through more than 300,000 thousand speeding tickets written in 2016 by troopers across the state of Ohio to find
Dehydration leads to seizures, permanent brain damage or even death. Jasmuheen has said, "If a person is unprepared and not listening to their inner voice there can be many problems with the 21-day [fasting] process, from extreme weight loss to even loss of their life" [Source: Jasmuheen]...